Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We are off to Uganda via London tomorrow

We have had a great four days of the Global Issues Institute.
We have drunk from the fountain of wisdom and challenge.
Christine Chung the chief prosecutor for the ICC, who investigated warrants the arrest of Joseph Kony of the LRA
We had Scott Bessnecker, the head of the Global Project dept of InterVaristy

What a wonderful week.
Now we are on to London for a day layover with a William Wilberforce expert to talk to us about communities that change the world.
We will be in Uganda Friday morning

Monday, May 11, 2009

Travel and contact info

New England Global Issues Institute
New Haven, CT May 23-27
The will meet at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 262 Shelton Ave, New Haven CT at noon on May 23. This is the address where we will meet for the week. Also, the contact number there is Tom Sharp 203-214-8405.
If you don't reach Tom S, call Susie 603-769-7358 or Bill 207-576-1720 upon arrival.

Communication and emergency contacts in Uganda
1. At any time if there is an emergency; call my number in Uganda or text
011-256-755139526 Tom Brink
2 Upon arrival in Entebbe, Uganda we will communicate our safe arrival in two ways
a. A quick text to all parents cell phones
b. A post on the Intervarsity in Uganda 09 Blog (info below)
3. Do not expect communication apart from possibly one or two short emails during the trip to Uganda.
4. We will have a Blog for friends and family to view pictures and team progress throughout our time, with at least weekly updates. To view the Blog go to
http://Ugandateam09.blogspot.com/ under the name Intervarsity in Uganda 09.
Some of these crucial details will be posted there.
5. The in country address will be too mobile for anything to be sent there.

Travel to Uganda
May 27 7:45pm Virgin Atlantic to Heathrow
May 28 8pm Kenya Airlines to Nairobi and then May 29 Nairobi to Entebbe, landing at 9:40am

Return travel
The Team will be returning to Logan Airport on June 30 at 5:10pm at Terminal E on Virgin Atlantic flight 11 from London Heathrow.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Count down to Uganda

Less than three weeks until the start of New England Global Issues Institute and Internship on May 23.